Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Activity Page

For the activity page,i set 5 quiz to the viewer to answer

it and when the viewer finsih answer 1 quiz,

can click the next button for the next quiz.


home page
index page

Monday, July 13, 2009

Moles - Activities

A quiz ask about the moles, viewer can select the correct answer.
There got a "back" and "next" button, to lets the viewer skip the
question and back to the last question.

Activities Screen

Some revision was made from the previous design. Taken from Ms. Teng advice to change the title from grey to red. The lights also has been change to white instead of yellow.



But personally, I liked the yellow light better to show that the room is energize.


Here are the activities page. The viewer will answer few trivia questions to complete the teleportation sequences.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Layout Design part 2

Title = = Wonders Of The World

Activity Screen Design

Screen 1
Screen 2
Screen 3

- After clicking the Play button on the top of right hand corner, then will go in the screen 1
- Screen 1 showing the rules of the game, click Start will go screen 2, click Run will exit
- Screen 2 showing the puzzles game with the level and also the timing
- Screen 3 showing after the puzzles then have to type in the correct answer
- After type in the correct answer then will go to next level
- Total will go 10 levels and the timing will getting less and less

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Other Topic 2 : (A) H1N1 flu

Step to Avoid <------( remember it, may b come out in exam )

Wash your hands. The best thing you can do is wash your hands with warm, soapy water.

2)Sneeze into your elbow. If you cannot stop a cough or a sneeze from escaping your mouth, then give it the elbow. Sneezing into the bend of your arm will catch germs that normally your hand would get while covering your mouth and nose. Sneezing into your hands, sets others up to catch bad germs already invading your body. When you touch doorknobs or shake hands with someone you are giving more than an act of kindness. Actually if you got tissue then it will be better.

3)Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth. These are entry points for viruses. When you are tired try not to lift your glasses and rub your eyes, don't rub the palm of your hand up your nose if you get the sniffles, and don't chew on your fingernails because this information makes you nervous! Doing so are sure ways to let in the virus! Remember touching others like hugging and shaking hands will spread the wealth of germs to others.

4)Take daily vitamins. By taking a multi-vitamin and extra vitamin c once a day you will increase your body’s ability to fight off bad germs.

5)Do not go to a hospital for treatment for non-emergency injury and illnesses. The best place to catch a bad germ is in a hospital with many sick people and possibly carriers of the H1N1 Virus .

6)Avoid traveling by plane until the flu is under control and a vaccine created. Being confined in closed quarters is the perfect way to spread a virus.

7)Wear a facemask to protect yourself and especially those who have health problems that low immune systems. There is no evidence the mask help, but they are a precaution to help prevent the spread of germs. If you live in an area that has suspected cases of H1N1 virus(swine flu) then wear a mask in public at work, on all city public transportation and air travel. The CDC has recommended N95 respirator mask. They can be purchased in stores or online.

8)Spray Lysol in your house and your car. Spray on doorknobs, toilet seats and handles; pretty much any place of that a human touches. Do this several times a day and allow spray to stay a full minute in order to disinfect.

copy from http://www.ehow.com/how_4933954_catching-hn-virus-swine-flu.html

Monday, June 29, 2009


Home Page

Content Page
Thank for Jerry


Enter page

Home page

Thx for Jerry
By Ken Hiong

My idea of the future trasporter.

Be hold, the teleport chamber has arrive. Here we have the main page where the user will see the door to the chamber. User have the freedom to choose anywhere that they desire to explore.

Then you'll have the description window where most of the description will be shown. Moving over to the activity, I prepared a series of question that will test the user knowledge about the teleportation.

The layout are as follow. User enters the transporter chamber, and then the question will pop out.

So that it for now, any comments? Feel free to drop 1 or 2, or mayb more.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Other Topic 1 : Assignment Hell

Talk talk other assignment...
week 6 already...i hate week 6
normally week 6 is the deadline of assignment
week 6 we need to hand up a lot assignment!!!!!!!!!!
Let count ( beside ms teng's work)

1) Cyber law <------ tunggu mati
2) Script ( lol )
3) Motion graphic scene design ( consult 2nd time )
4) FYP proposal (???)
5) Intern report <---- (Hell YA)

push ur hands up in the air lol lol lol

Friday, June 26, 2009

Layout Design part 1

Title = = = Wonder Of World

Index Page

Page showing content

Other page still thinking, content page still finding resource.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Analysis of the project 1

Here is the analysis of the project.

Wonder Of The World

From Jerry.

Start to party

New Blog New Life New Assignment New Explore
That All -.-'''