Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Activity Page

For the activity page,i set 5 quiz to the viewer to answer

it and when the viewer finsih answer 1 quiz,

can click the next button for the next quiz.


home page
index page

Monday, July 13, 2009

Moles - Activities

A quiz ask about the moles, viewer can select the correct answer.
There got a "back" and "next" button, to lets the viewer skip the
question and back to the last question.

Activities Screen

Some revision was made from the previous design. Taken from Ms. Teng advice to change the title from grey to red. The lights also has been change to white instead of yellow.



But personally, I liked the yellow light better to show that the room is energize.


Here are the activities page. The viewer will answer few trivia questions to complete the teleportation sequences.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Layout Design part 2

Title = = Wonders Of The World

Activity Screen Design

Screen 1
Screen 2
Screen 3

- After clicking the Play button on the top of right hand corner, then will go in the screen 1
- Screen 1 showing the rules of the game, click Start will go screen 2, click Run will exit
- Screen 2 showing the puzzles game with the level and also the timing
- Screen 3 showing after the puzzles then have to type in the correct answer
- After type in the correct answer then will go to next level
- Total will go 10 levels and the timing will getting less and less